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Frequently Asked Questions
MTD can help most businesses, regardless of size or turnover, the amount and complexity of the tax debt, the state of the business records, the geographical location of the business or the industry. We have yet to encounter a business tax problem that we can’t help resolve in some way.
MTD offers tax debt help, including tax debt loans, to individuals as well as businesses. If you have a tax bill that you are not sure how to deal with or have difficulty in paying, please call us and we will do our best to help you.
If your accountant can help you, that’s probably who you should turn to first. However, many accountants are time-poor and don’t have the specialist skills or the resources to deal with tax debt problems, create payment plans or negotiate with the ATO/OSR on your behalf. If your accountant can’t help you, you can ask them to refer you to MTD, or you can contact us directly.
There is no charge for the initial consultation and you are under no obligation to continue with us after that. If you choose to proceed, we will be upfront and open with you about the cost of resolving your tax problem. Our prices are fair and affordable to businesses of all sizes and we will not charge you any fees that we are not entitled.
It is important that contact is made with the ATO or OSR as soon as possible. If you don’t have an accountant who can help you and you do not wish to use our services, you should contact the ATO/OSR directly. However, you should not expect to be able to talk your way out of your tax problem, especially if you have neglected dealing with it for some time. A tax debt is complex both legally and financially and the ATO or OSR take it very seriously. Self-representing may not necessarily achieve the best result. You will need to be able to negotiate on the key points, provide the right financial statements, and to be able to construct a payment plan that is both acceptable to the ATO or OSR and realistic for your business. Having MTD – an independent, professional organisation – advocating on your behalf is likely to add weight to your case and will provide the ATO or OSR with increased confidence that your tax debt will be resolved and your tax and compliance obligations will be met in the future.