If you have a business tax bill that is bigger than you are capable of paying, you may need to look at placing your business into insolvency. This is particularly important if you are a company director.
Avoid insolvent trading
Insolvent trading can have serious consequences for directors. Aside from becoming personally liable for debts such as unreported or unpaid Pay As You Go withholding, or Superannuation Guarantee Charge, civil or criminal proceedings may be brought against you or your business.
Insolvency can sometimes be a way of clearing the slate so that you can make a fresh start. A lot depends on how you deal with your creditors, including the ATO and OSR. Our services can protect you from harsh or unfair treatment, enable you to complete the insolvency process with the minimum fuss and cost, help you reach a settlement with the ATO, OSR, and other creditors and emerge in the strongest possible position to start again.
Our services include:
Members’ Voluntary Liquidations
Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidations
Provisional Liquidations
Deed of Company Arrangement
Voluntary Administrations
Official Liquidations
Part X – Personal Insolvency Agreement
If you have a business tax bill that is bigger than you are capable of paying, you may need to look at placing your business into insolvency. This is particularly important if you are a company director.
Avoid insolvent trading
Insolvent trading can have serious consequences for directors. Aside from becoming personally liable for debts such as unreported or unpaid Pay As You Go withholding, or Superannuation Guarantee Charge, civil or criminal proceedings may be brought against you or your business.
Insolvency can sometimes be a way of clearing the slate so that you can make a fresh start. A lot depends on how you deal with your creditors, including the ATO and OSR. Our services can protect you from harsh or unfair treatment, enable you to complete the insolvency process with the minimum fuss and cost, help you reach a settlement with the ATO, OSR, and other creditors and emerge in the strongest possible position to start again.
Our services include:
Members’ Voluntary Liquidations
Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidations
Provisional Liquidations
Deed of Company Arrangement
Voluntary Administrations
Official Liquidations
Part X – Personal Insolvency Agreement